Complaints and Appeals Policy

  • In the first instance, we request that there is an attempt to informally resolve the issue. Students should contact their trainer and assessor or administration staff, to attempt mediation/informal resolution of the complaint. 
  • If unresolved, you will need to put your Complaint or Appeal in writing using the Complaints and Appeals Form link below or you can email 
  • The Chief Executive Officer or delegated person/s will begin the internal complaints and appeals process within 10 working days of the complaint or appeal being lodged
  • Each person making the complaint will be given the opportunity to present their case to the Chief Executive Officer or delegated person/s in a meeting or via phone.
  • Students may be accompanied and assisted by a support person. Meetings will be minuted and each party will be required to sign the minutes at the end of the meeting. A copy of the minutes will be kept on the Complaints and Appeals register and a copy on the students file.
  • We will ensure to finalise all complaint procedures within 20 working days, and sooner wherever possible. However, if for any reason a complaint or appeal (including any review process) appears likely to take more than 20 days to finalise, the people involved will be given written explanation for the delay.
  • Once the Chief Executive Officer or delegated person/s has been able to make a decision regarding the complaint or appeal, the student will be informed in writing of the outcome, the reasons and action to be taken. A copy will be kept on the Complaints and Appeals Register and a copy will be kept on the student’s file.
  • If the internal complaints procedure has been exhausted and is not in favour of the student and the student is dissatisfied with the results of the internal complaints procedure, they may approach Mediation Australia or make a formal complaint following the external appeals process listed below.
  • If the internal or external complaint handling or appeal process results in a decision that supports the student, we will immediately implement any decision, record outcomes in the Complaints and Appeals register and advise the student of the action taken.
  • As a result of the complaint and/or appeal, we will identify potential causes of complaints and appeals and take appropriate action to eliminate or mitigate the likelihood of recurrence.

External appeals process

The student must first exhaust the internal complaints/appeals process. We must maintain the student’s enrolment while the internal and external complaints process and appeals are underway.

If the internal complaints procedure has been exhausted and is not in favour of the student and the student is dissatisfied with the results of the internal complaints procedure, he/she may approach: Mediation Australia, Ann Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000 or 1300 267 268

This is a process where people meet with an independent person (the mediator) to negotiate an agreement to end a dispute. The mediator does not impose any outcome: just assists the process of reaching a resolution.

Mediation does not involve legal procedures or the courts, however, mediation clients share the costs of mediation 50/50. The outcome of mediation is determined by the parties so that the participants remain in control.

If at the end of the internal process and or mediation, the student remains dissatisfied, a written complaint can be lodged using:

  • The Apprenticeships Info Complaint Form (Apprentices and Trainees)
    • Apprentice Trainee Complaints Form
    • This must be returned to the Department of Education, Training and Employment district office
    • 1800 210 210 for your nearest office. 

If required, the Training Ombudsman can arrange for translation and interpreter services to assist you in submitting your enquiry or complaint.

Assistance Available: Should you have any inquiries or require support, our team is ready to assist via: