SA TC Lic - Course Requirements
To ensure a smooth and effective learning experience in our contractors licence course, the following requirements are essential:
- Reliable Internet Access: Continuous access to the internet is crucial for accessing course materials and online resources.
- Appropriate Device: A computer, tablet, or mobile device equipped with a camera and microphone is necessary for interactive elements of the course and potential virtual discussions or assessments.
- Unique Student Identifier (USI): Every student needs to have a USI to enroll and receive their course credentials. If you don't have a USI yet, please apply for one at USI Application.
- Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Skills (LLN): A fundamental requirement for successful course completion is a certain proficiency in language, literacy, and numeracy. We recommend that participants possess at least Level 3 LLN skills. This ensures that you can effectively comprehend course materials, engage in learning activities, and complete assessments.